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Worship Times 

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~Craft Show Nov. 9th 
~Spaghetti Dinner(drive-thru) October 19th
~Food Pantry October 26th

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To all of our Food Pantry clients & donors:

 2024 food distribution days to the

FOURTH SATURDAY of the month.

10:00 am to Noon


Our mission is to be a church for the community, open to all.

The Church Office is open

Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 9:00 am-2:00 pm

Phone: 330-448-1001

Sunday worship 
11 am in the sanctuary, Facebook live on our page


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What's Happening!

What a wonderful graduation program for Brookfield UMC pre- K students! Brandy Berena, director and her staff do an amazing job with the students - it is a wonderful ministry for the church.

We celebrated Brandy's 10th year as director and all of her achievements with the preschool. She and the teachers handed out certificates and Andrea Kreutzer, Youth Director, had awards for the students in the Bible class.

Thank you families for bringing your children and thanks to our great staff for their teaching and love.

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